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Unruly: Artistic Research between Disciplines and Becoming

I hade the great plesaure to work with the editing team at Periskop – forum for kunsthistorisk debat and get my article Induction: An Unknown at the heart of our lives peer reviewed and published.

“Lisa Nyberg’s contribution is an invitation to a practice, an induction, in the form of a text. The aim of this practice is to bring together two theoretical texts into an embodied practice, by using techniques from hypnotic induction and guided meditation. The texts that she have chosen, one by Isabelle Stengers and one by the Decolonial Futures Collective, are offering two powerful animations that capture the structure of modernity and its destabilization, sparked by the current climate crisis. Animations that begs a response. Re-writing them this way, is part of Nyberg’s pedagogical effort to engage our bodies in our understanding of this moment.
This investigation is part of Nyberg’s PhD-in-Practice project “Pedagogies of the Unknown”.”

The Issue is called Unruly: Artistic Research between Disciplines and Becoming was edited by Katrine Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Charlotte Hauch, Camilla Graff Junior and Lise Margrethe Jørgense.

“This special issue of Periskop  arrives during a pandemic, as planetary cracks deepen and social injustices, structural and systemic discriminations (racism, sexism, trans- and homophobia, ableism, classism and so on), inequalities, climate disasters, displacements, and wars continue to unsettle our present. In times like these, this special issue asks: How can we reclaim artistic research? And how are artistic research practices engaging in the co-creation of other worlds in response to different forms of social crises and planetary destruction?”